Block Paving Maintenance are now licensed by the Environment Agency as Waste Carriers. As required by The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Control of Pollution (amendment) Act 1989 our new licence number which can be checked out at the Environment Agency’s website is CB/CM3688GR.
This means that we have expanded our services available to the benefit of our customers. Not only can we offer a great range of block paving, driveway and patio installation, repair, cleaning and sealing services we can personally remove the waste generated by these services from your premises without the need for having to hire costly skips and grab aways.
Even the waste generated from a service as simple as block paving or driveway cleaning can legally be removed by us and removed by skip at a later date in a much more cost effective and environmentally friendly manner.
Not to be registered and to carry waste is an offence which can lead to fines and prosecution. Even homeowners must show a duty of care by ensuring any waste is removed by an authorised person holding the relevant licence. The Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991 require all householders to make sure their waste is removed from their premises by registered waste carriers. Failing to do so could result in fines of up to £5,000.
To ensure the use of a registered company ask to see their waste carriers licence or check they are registered by calling the Environment Agency on 08708 506506 and requesting a waste carrier validation check or checking the online public register of waste carriers (
Block Paving Maintenance has a long term goal to recycle the waste in line with their environmental policy and their commitment to green issues. The aim is to recycle all waste. Concrete dug up from driveway and block paving installations and repairs can be reused within the industry as a sub base and hard core material for further paving projects. As can old block pavers and off cuts from block paving repairs which can all be recycled into a graded crushed concrete. Similarly metal drums used in sealing block paving and driveways can be also be recycled removing the need for waste to go to environmentally unfriendly landfill sites.
So ensure your next contractor can offer the services available that Block Paving Maintenance can and that they and you are fully compliant and protected by the law where waste is concerned.